Website State of Florida
Job Description:
This position is responsible for reviewing federal, state, and local undertakings for potential effects to Florida’s historic structures and other cultural resources and providing related comments and guidance consistent with applicable historic preservation laws, regulations, and procedures.
Job Responsibilities:
- Review assigned federal, state, and local undertakings to identify significant historic structures and other cultural resources in project areas and assess effects to these resources in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local preservation laws and implementing regulations. Prepare appropriate review response consultation.
- Participates in consultation meetings with project representatives to discuss requests for additional information, project effects to historic structures, appropriate treatment of historic structures, and the overall Compliance and Review program and processes.
- Provides routine technical assistance and participates in trainings regarding the Compliance and Review program to federal, state and local agencies, private consultants, and the general public particularly as it relates that group’s role in the historic preservation review processes.
- Maintains project files in an orderly manner and completes the Compliance and Review database (project log) files in a timely manner.
- Performs other work related duties as required.
Job Requirements:
- Knowledge of Florida’s historic resources and Florida’s architectural history.
- Knowledge of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
- Knowledge of the National Register of Historic Places Criteria for evaluation significance.
- A master’s degree in architectural history, historic preservation, or a closely related field.
- Knowledge of the National Register of Historic Places criteria for evaluating historic properties.
- Knowledge of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
- Experience working with federal, state, and/or local historic preservation laws and regulations.
- Knowledge of Florida’s historic resources and architectural history.
- Experience with Geographic Information Systems and ArcView software or similar programs.
- Knowledge of federal, state, and local historic preservation laws, regulations, and procedures.
- Ability to utilize basic computer skills including a knowledge of GID & ArcView software.
- Ability to work independently to organize and manage workload.
Job Details:
Company: State of Florida
Vacancy Type: Full Time
Job Functions: Information Technology
Job Location: Tallahassee, FL, US
Application Deadline: N/A